Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is a picture of my eyes...well...kind of, but not really. The original picture I sent to my friend Lori had daaark circles and freckled spots and tooooons of wrinkles...then Lori worked her magic with Photoshop and wa-lah! Here's a magazine-worthy image of my eyes. HA!
I don't mind aging, I really don't, but there's something sad about knowing that however many years ago I didn't NEED to Photoshop my face. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow your on a roll with your blogging! And we are still young! Sheeshhhhh! I will always be in denial!

Tamara Lyn said...

:D I was on a roll w/blogging...it's hard to do every day, but I'll write as much as possible...more than once or twice a month like I was before!
lol, yes we are still young...I started getting face wrinkles at a young age (around 20) and they haven't gotten any better! You're as young as you feel...but wrinkles are still there, staring me in the face every day. ;)~ HA!

Hev said...

I understand the wrinkle thing and the dark circles!! I, like you, am not worried too much about it. The only time I worried is when Dave asked if I had a black eye once when I had one eye that had horrible dark circles. It is all good. I love your attitude!!!!