Friday, June 20, 2014

Barf on carpet!

Somehow, in almost 8 years of parenting, I'd managed to avoid the pleasant experience of vomit on the carpet. When one of my boys graced me with the experience the other day I pulled out the Windex, wiped it up and called it good.
Silly me.
Of course it still smelled putrid the next day. The while room did. So I googled it, I threw my concern out into Facebook world, and what I decided to use was magical.
Watered down vinegar.
1 part white distilled vinegar: 2-3 parts water in a clean, empty squirt bottle.
I sprayed it on the stink, patted up some if the excess, and when the vinegar solution dried all smells went with it! My extra-sensitive pregnant nose can't be fooled, it worked.
Like magic!
My mother in law always pulls out a bottle of this stuff and I thought, "Okay, that's weird." But it's not. She's a genius. Vinegar water is also good for pet accidents and just about any cleaning around your home.
Let me know if it works for you!

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