Friday, August 22, 2008

Washington Fun

We went to Seattle, Washington Wednesday (Aug 13) and flew home Tuesday (Aug 19). Alan's mom's side had a family reunion at Ensign Ranch an hour and a half away from Seattle and we stayed there Friday night. It was so hot! But the place was really fun. There was a lot of fun and cheap--sometimes free--things to do. We went canoeing a couple times and Christian rode a horse (pic is so cute!). He cried a little bit but he loved it all around. Some of the kids went on a huge slip and slide and it was fun to watch. Alan took me to an outlet mall and we scored some really cute clothes for me from Motherhood Maternity! I think I'm set for the rest of my pregnancies. :) Alan's family was super nice and we had a blast! The rest of the time there we stayed with Alan's sweet aunt and uncle who live 20 minutes from Seattle. We bought Seattle City Passes and went to the zoo, the aquarium (I was so excited to see an octopus--see pic--for the first time and a swimming clam!), the science center (where we saw a cool 3-D IMAX film about rivers--my first 3-D experience, it was cool!). We also got a nice cruise on the sound. We ate clam chowder bread bowls (yummy-they rival San Fran's) and stopped by UW so Alan could talk to someone in admissions at the Medical School there. He talked to this really nice girl and got some good literature. It was a really fun trip and the sun shone for us most of the time!
It was good to see Alan's family. His parents met us at the zoo (pic above) and we saw his brother and his wife and their new baby boy, Benjamin, at the ranch. His family is so close and super supportive and with them it's never a dull moment. ;)
We're trucking along, trying to keep Christian busy and looking forward to meeting his baby brother. I'm so excited to have another boy. I love them! :)~ I have read all of Stephenie Meyers' books (I just finished "The Host" last night) and read all 4 of the Twilight series last week. What can I say, I like it. :) I also like Mary Higgins Clark for suspense novels and I'm about to read "Eragon" and "Eldest" by Christopher Paolini--the first two books of the series. I also have discovered Brandon Sanderson. He's a good writer! And Robert Jordan is one of my favorites. I'm sad he passed away before he could finish his last book in the Wheel of Time series. I'm sure Brandon Sanderson will do a fine job. :)
All's well here. I'm not totally well but I feel so much better. Little "Miles" (I'll just call him that for now) kicks me incessantly and I love it! :) I love to feel him move inside of me, knowing he's having fun playing and is probably healthy. I love him already.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wee Willy Winky

I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday's gonna be a boy! :) We're super excited that Christian is going to have a playmate, though Alan is pretty disappointed. He really wants his sweet little daddy's girl. Well, I don't know if she'll be sweet, but we'll have a girl one day one way or another, even if we have to adopt. :D The doctor moved my due date a week earlier so it's now Dec. 21. Yeah! I want to have this baby as soon as I can before Christmas. :D I love ultrasounds! I'm so grateful we have them in this day and age. When I see my babies in them, moving around in my tummy, it always makes me tear up. It makes the baby seem much more real to me and I'm 1000 times more excited to meet the little guy. We're having a hard time agreeing on names. The only one we can meet halfway on is Miles. :) We'll see.
We fly out today to Washington. Alan's mom's side is having a family reunion near Seattle and we'll be there for a week. We're actually only participating in the reunion a couple days and the three of us (Alan, Christian, and I) are spending most of the time seeing the sights in Seattle. We bought city passes so we'll be pretty busy. :D We're excited! :)