So today is Alan's and my six year anniversary. :D Yipee! :D He scored big points by 1) planning our date and 2) keeping it a surprise. No. 1 has rarely happened and no. 2 has NEVER happened. HA! :D So it was extra special. ;)
We forgot our camera and bought a disposable one on the way, so please excuse the poor photo quality. :D
We went on a topless bus (the bus, not those inside of it) and fed animals that came right up to us and ate out of our hands. :D It was so cool! I'd always wanted to do a safari ride!
This huge elk was probably my favorite. He was SO huge and SO sweet. Look, he's smiling at Alan. :)
Then we hit the zoo. It was small, but perfect! Huge zoos are almost too big and exhausting. This one is perfect for kids! Small, but has all the most important animals. :D Namely, MONKEYS! :D hehehe....we had a lot of fun with the monkeys. They've always been my favorite animal! :D
Here's a baby monkey holding my finger. Sooooooo cute. :D I loved it. ;)
Here I'm getting cozy with an alpaca. :D He was so cute and soft! :D
We had a blast, the weather was perfect (in the 70's) and I'm so glad our neighbors could watch our rugrats so we could go!! :D
I love you, honey!!!!! :D
Happy Anniversary you two love birds!
Aaaaawww, thanks. ;)~
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