Saturday, July 28, 2012


So I mentioned that a photographer took some professional pictures of some of us pregnant ladies in my complex back in May...Well here are a couple of them. :) Glad I'm not swollen pregnant lady anymore! :D Here's a link to her photography website.

She's offered to take some of Elijah and I when she's back here in the east coast. :D Fun!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Kids and Kid History...

A week ago today I drove with the boys to York, PA to meet up with my long-time friend, Shauna. It was about a 50 minute drive and Christian finally asked how close we were to the restaurant where we were meeting. I looked at the GPS and was happy to tell him, "We only have 4 more miles."
Miles then gasped excitedly and said, "We only have four more me, Mommy?" I had a good chuckle at that really do say the darndest things!
I just wanted to share a snippet from one of my favorite things to watch, Bored Shorts. These creative guys got together and act out stories told in kids' voices. It's really cute. Here's one of my favorites (enjoy!):