Christian started Kindergarten today. I was soooo nervous to send him out into the world and have someone else take care of him. Plus, kids can be so cruel and Christian is such a sweet, sensitive soul.
Here's a picture of him this morning before school while we were waiting for the bus (which took off after a 2 second pause so I had to take him anyway--which I kind of wanted to do on his first day). He was nervous and excited.
This is him right after school:
He kept telling me it was SO awesome!!!! ha! I don't know where he learned the hand gesture, but it's pretty darn funny. He made 18 new friends (all of his classmates), especially one kid whose name he doesn't know yet. :) AND they have math bins...and if he learned anything, he can't remember by now. hehehe...I think my sweet little man is going to make it in the big, bad world.
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1 hour ago
Oh my I felt the EXACT same way, did you read my post?
I didn't! I'll look for it. :D
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