Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Sweetest Valentine's

This was the best Valentine's Day (weekend) I've had since getting married over six years ago. My husband usually BA-HUMBUG's all holidays, except his birthday and Christmas, of course. :) But this year he actually put forth an effort! :) Saturday night our friend, Curt, came and sat with the boys (at 7:30 after we put them to bed) and we went to Cold Stone. It's one of my favorite places. :) Then we walked around Target and bought a pan (which I've needed...well...for forever) and a few other kitchen items. :D I wanted to karaoke and order virgin daqueries, but his idea was fun too! And I have an awesome pan from the whole deal. ;)
Then on Monday night he and the boys cooked me dinner. That in itself never happens (nope, not even on Mother's Day) so it was really fun . :)
They cut hearts out of bread and made SUPER yummy french toast. Seriously, I don't know what Alan did, but dinner was sooooo tasty. :)
Saturday we went to Hershey Chocolate World as a family. Alan and I bought our Valentine's gifts there: I got him coconut candy and he got me flip-flops. :) Really we chose our own gifts and decided we'd pretend we got them for one another. So thoughtful of us. :) Our cards were thoughtful, though. :) I'm usually happy just to get one of those. ;)
Overall it was so fun. :) Probably because Alan actually wanted to participate instead of gripe about how lame and commercialized holidays are. :D Hooray for hubby!


Stephanie said...

"Seriously, I don't know what Alan did, but dinner was sooooo tasty."

Drugs...that is why you have such fond memories of the whole thing.

Tamara Lyn said...

HA!! Drugs, you're so right. ;) Silly girl. :D