So I've felt sad about moving so far from family...but alas! It's been nice having my big brother and his family only 8 hours away. :D We went back for another week of Canadian fun and will go back AGAIN at the end of this week! :D HA! We just can't get enough. It's been really fun to hang with them because we hadn't really been able to before and we just love them so. :) Here are some pictures from our latest adventure...
They loved feeding animals at a free petting zoo. :) Ontario, Canada.
The boys playing in the pool with their cousins in their huge backyard. :D King, ON
Niagra Falls, ON...we stopped there on our way to Palmyra, NY
The falls were sooo beautiful!
Christian and Darren playing on the logs at the Smith Family farm.
My love handles taking the boys for a walk in the Sacred Grove. :) Palmyra, NY July 2010.
In front of Joseph Smith's first family home (rebuilt) in Palmyra, NY.
Hill Cumorah Pageant. NY, July 2010. BEAUTIFUL production.
Miles LOVES uncle Robert. Soooo precious. :)
What a fun time. Must be something about Rob because when we had the reunion at Lake Tahoe Mya always had to sit in his lap too!
CUuute! :D hehe...he is just honest and kids like that. :D He's such a good guy. ;)
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