SO we've moved to Hershey, PA. So fun. ;) I was dreading the move, to tell you the truth. BUT (and a big butt it is) Pennsylvania is soooo pretty! I loooove green rolling hills and trees and this place is full of just that! I was also dreading the move back into apartments, but these aren't so bad! They're spacious (3 beds/2 full baths) and utilities and Internet are included in the price of rent...and there's a huge play area out front! AND, the biggest bonus, the ladies around here are really coolio. :) I can tell we're going to be good friends.
I happened upon the chocolate factory the other day and took the boys in for a tour. They LOVED it. :D Christian's been asking to go again. ;)
And so our newest adventure begins....
I'm glad you enjoyed your move. We just moved into a new house around the corner from our old one and it was a BIG pain.
Do you remember the Harrington's? Well Amy lives in PA, and I think her parents do and one of her siblings. I couldn't tell you if it is a brother or sister. I really don't remember.
I enjoy looking at your blog. Give me your email and I will send you my blog. I have it set on private.
Enjoy your new adventure!!!!
~Juanita (joanna's sis)
Now that I know you have a blog, I am going to start stalking you. :-) I'm glad PA is awesome and the girls are being nice to you!
I'm so excited (and slightly jealous) for you to be back east! It's so beautiful and there are so many fun things to do!! Enjoy your time there.
The one down side for us was spending the holidays away from family.
Moving is crazy!!! You forget how much bleating work it is until you're doing it!!
Hhmmmm...I didn't know the Harrington's well.
Steph, stalk me please! :D That's what blogs are for! ;)
Juanita, my email is "hotmollie@gmail.com"...send me an invite!
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