I am such a couch snob...we have sat on, slept on, cuddled on old, nasty hand-me-down couches for the past five-and-a-half years of marriage and now I'm putting my foot down! ;) I feel I've earned my right to be a couch snob! :D
So today I bought our first new couch...and it's not just any couch. A leather reclining sofa. NICE. The last couch (THIS one)

we borrowed from Alan 's aunt and uncle for a total of about five months...and in that five months Christian had barfed on it and Miles had pooped on it. Sooooo, to say the least, I'm quite excited for the leather.
It looks kind of like THIS:

I'll used burgundy and other colored pillows, though...not pink and lime green. ;) It will be delivered June 9th...I can't wait. :D I can't stand seeing a blank wall where the couch will go. Whoopie!