A couple Sundays ago my mission president was in town with his family (pic of him and his wife attached). A bunch of missionaries met up with him in a park and it was so fun! Pres. Calton ended with a little talk and we all hugged and went home. It is always so great to see Pres. Calton and his family! I love them so much! It's good to stay in contact with them to remember the eternal responsibility I have to those I served in Bolivia.

I'm already 18 weeks along and feeling a lot better. I'm still nauseaus but not as bad as before (thank goodness!). We'll find out the gender on August 12. Alan's so sure it's a girl that I'll be surprised if it's anything else! I've felt the baby kicking for the past week and a half or so and I love it! It makes everything worth it.
Christian is such a character. He loves to laugh and does silly things to make us laugh. HA! He cracks me up. I can't believe he'll be 2 in September. He's already embracing some of the "Terrifically Terrible Two's" attitude. hehehe...It's funny. I like him so much better now than I did when he was a newborn...I guess I'm opposite most women.
Alan is still working hard at both his jobs. We hardly see him but try to maximize our time together when he's around. We're going to Lagoon tomorrow, compliments of his day job, G.E. I'm pretty excited.
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